Hashtags to Find Perfect Instagram Audience: Using 6 Ways

Undoubtedly, social media wields immense power, offering a robust stage for businesses to showcase products and individuals to share passions. Yet, how do you stand out amidst the vast sea of posts? That's where the magic of hashtags unfolds. You catapult your visibility and extend your reach by strategically deploying hashtags across platforms like Instagram, X, Facebook, and TikTok. Whether you're just dipping your toes into social media or a seasoned pro, mastering the art of hashtags is the key to connecting with your audience daily. In this blog, we'll unravel the secrets of using hashtags to connect with your audience and do so with purpose.

What to Know About Hashtags?

Have you ever wondered how social media works like a gigantic filing cabinet with billions of posts? Well, let me spill the beans.

Hashtags, those nifty words or phrases following the hash sign, play the role of organizers. They tag and categorize posts, making it easy for users to find or share content with like-minded folks. Think of it as your secret weapon for navigating the vast social media landscape.

So, each social media channel has its twist on using hashtags. But today, let’s zoom in on Instagram, the ultimate hotspot for hashtag action.

Who Can Use Hashtags?

Anyone, from individuals to brands, can dive into the hashtag game. If you’re a business aiming to expand your reach or foster connections with your audience, hashtags are your secret weapon.

However, let’s avoid the “blast your message to the masses” approach – it’s a no-go. Using hashtags solely for promotion can be noticeable and annoying, putting your existing followers at risk.

Remember, subtlety and strategy win the game. So, while hashtags are your allies in the journey to more followers, a thoughtful and intentional approach is critical.

Don’t be the brand that shouts; be the one that engages persuasively and keeps those followers returning for more.

6 Ways to Use Hashtags to Find Your Instagram Target Audience

Conduct Research

To kick off your hashtag adventure, reflect on the themes of your typical posts. Take our content as an example—we cover advertising, influencer marketing, and digital marketing.

Now, dive into Instagram by searching for a relevant, generic word for your business. Let’s say we choose “marketing,” a hashtag with about 78.9 million posts.

Instagram provides a treasure trove of related tags. But beware of the vastness of popular tags like #marketing; it attracts a diverse crowd, making it tricky to pinpoint your target audience. Opt for less saturated tags, under 50k-500k posts, for a clearer view of your audience.

Navigate the “Top” and “Recent” tabs—Top for widespread engagement and Recent for the latest posts with that hashtag. This method unveils the magic behind hashtags, helping you connect with the right crowd effectively.

Hashtag Quantity

While the consensus leans toward using 3-12 hashtags per Instagram post, tread lightly. Going overboard screams desperation for exposure rather than authentic connections.

An emerging trend involves placing hashtags in comments for a cleaner look. However, research shows a 29.41% higher reach when used in the actual post. Keep it there for optimal engagement.

Quality of Hashtag  

Choose your hashtags wisely—it’s like finding that perfect avocado in a sea of options. Opt for ones your fans can easily search.

Avoid lengthy and overly specific hashtags like #thebestagencymediaintheworld. It’s too time-consuming and not audience-friendly. Instead, go for moderately concise, easy-to-spell, and on-brand hashtags that resonate with your content.

For marketing posts, consider tags like #marketingtips, #instagrammarketing, #hashtags, #cocreatemagic, and #influencermarketing. These connect users through shared interests, ensuring your posts reach the right audience effortlessly.

So, pick hashtags that make your content stand out in the digital crowd.

Use Fresh Hashtags

Just as your content evolves, so should your hashtags. Tailor your tags to reflect the diverse content you share.

This strategic approach signals intentionality in connecting with users based on interest rather than mindlessly applying a generic list to every post.

Hashtag Length

Choosing the right hashtags can make or break your social media game. Avoid lengthy, obscure tags like #thebestagencymediaintheworld—no one has the time or interest. Instead, opt for hashtags your fans can quickly search.

In addition, stay away from overcrowded ones like #TBT with 400+ million users; it’s tough to stand out in such a massive crowd.

Conversely, too obscure tags won’t connect with your audience. Aim for a sweet spot—hashtags under 1 million or even 20,000 are ideal.

Experiment with different densities to find what resonates. While mega-hashtags like #TBT is fun, don’t rely on them exclusively. Craft your hashtag strategy with care, and watch your engagement soar!

Consider Location-Specific Hashtags

For small businesses aiming to connect with their local community, leveraging location-specific hashtags is a game-changer.

While we embrace broad tags like #Nigeria and #Africa, we amplify our reach using city-specific hashtags tied to events, like #lagosinfluencers. This strategy ensures a more intimate and focused audience—the sweet spot for small businesses.

By tapping into these local conversations, you enhance engagement and make meaningful connections with the people in your city.

So, when it comes to hashtags, think small to win big for your small business.

Should You Use Instagram Hashtags in the Caption or Comment?

Instagram assures you that hashtags work wonders in your post caption and comments. The choice is yours! Timing is vital; if you manually post hashtags in the comments, do it right after publishing.

This keeps your caption clean, maintaining aesthetics while reaping the benefits of a stellar hashtag strategy. Seize this opportunity to boost exposure without compromising your post’s visual appeal. Your captions stay pristine, and your content gets the visibility it deserves!


Ready to up your social media game? Mastering hashtags is your golden ticket to Instagram success, bringing in more followers and increasing engagement.

In social media, hashtags are your reliable navigation tool, guiding you to stand out in the ever-growing sea of posts.

Whether you’re a rookie or a seasoned pro, harnessing the power of hashtags is the key to boosting visibility and broadening your reach across platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and beyond.

Let’s handle your social media accounts and get you in front of your audience.

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