6 Methods to Find Trending Hashtags for Your Instagram Content Strategy

Instagram hashtags act like a trusty guide and a potent tool to elevate your brand. Relevant hashtags go beyond mere trends; they're your ticket to attracting followers, connecting with your target audience, and boosting engagement. Research reveals that posts with one hashtag and above notch up 12.6% more engagement than those without hashtags. But here's the catch–It's not a numbers game, but about using quality hashtags. Ready to transform your brand's Instagram game? Let's dive into six effective methods to unearth high-quality, trending hashtags for your Instagram content strategy.

6 Methods to Find Instagram Trending Hashtags

Discover the secrets to Instagram success with our carefully researched and explained 6 methods for finding trending hashtags.

Whether you prefer the simplicity of the Instagram app or external tools, read on to find the perfect fit for your journey to hashtag mastery.

Method #1: Navigate the Instagram Explore Page

The Instagram Explore page is a goldmine for trending hashtags. Tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of your app, and you’re on your way. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Tap the magnifying glass icon.
  • Type in a keyword related to your niche.
  • Explore the “For you” tab for trending hashtags.
  • Dive into posts and discover even more relevant hashtags.

This page is not just for exploration; it’s your inspiration hub. Look for posts related to your brand, check out the “Top” results, and note the hashtags that perform well with Instagram’s algorithm.

Method #2: Harness the Power of Hashtag Suggestion Tools

Instagram hashtag suggestion tools are your secret weapon if you are time-starved or need automated methods. Sign up for an account and get ready to elevate your hashtag game in seconds.

Choose between “Auto” for automatic suggestions based on your caption or “Search” to find relevant hashtags for your industry. Every hashtag suggestion tool has different functions. So, take time to learn your preferred tools.

Method #3: Gauge Hashtag Volume with Instagram’s Tag Search Tool

When hunting for hashtags, post volume is vital. Too many posts, and your content drowns; too few, and no one notices.

Instead, aim for the sweet spot–hashtags with 20K-500K posts. Use Instagram’s tag search on the Explore Page to gauge volume and find inspiration.

So, skip the crowded hashtags and aim for that golden middle ground where your posts can make waves.

Method #4: Embrace Social Listening

Social listening tools are the most commonly used methods to analyze online conversations regarding a particular brand. As such, you can use them to find trending hashtags on Instagram and use them in your posts or reels.

With over 81% of marketers saying AI positively impacts their work, you must recognize social listening to make informed business decisions. One of the best ways to use these tools to your advantage is to find trending hashtags on Instagram.

Method #5: Follow the Trail of Relevant Tags

One of the unique Instagram features is the ability to follow trending hashtags related to your niche and get updates and inspiration from competitors using them.

As posts with these hashtags grace your homepage, you’ll uncover a treasure trove of trending hashtags. Take a moment to delve into the descriptions, ensuring the additional hashtags align with your content.

While this method demands time, the rewards in relevant, trending content are worth the investment.

Method #6: Follow Relevant Influencers

Influencers know a thing or two about creating trends. Follow relevant influencers in your niche and uncover the hashtags they use.

Their large following is a testament to effective marketing tactics. Just be cautious and choose influencers whose content aligns with your brand.

Wrap-up: Mastering the Art of Trending Hashtags

Trending Instagram hashtags are your digital marketing ace. Getting your posts on the Explore Page opens doors to a broader audience and potential customers. Craft your Instagram hashtag strategy wisely.

Now, the big question is, how much time can you dedicate to hashtag searching? Whether you’re a quick strategist or love to explore every nook and cranny, these methods cater to your style.

The quest for top trending hashtags may take time, but we’ve uncovered six proven methods to supercharge your hashtag game. Whether you’re a pro or a newbie, these techniques are crucial to taking your hashtag strategy from good to great. Ready to level up? Contact DottsMediaHouse today!

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