5 Things to Do to Your Website Before Running Paid Advertising

Ready to dive into paid advertising? Having a live website is the first step, but let’s not kid ourselves; it’s not the golden ticket. Once upon a time, any website was a game-changer. Today, a poorly built site is a liability. Imagine tossing money down the drain by promoting an unprepared site.

Think about it—if you wouldn’t promote a half-finished product, why settle for a half-baked website? It’s not just about your site going live but being effective.

A sluggish site can sink your ship in this age of high expectations. So, before you set sail with PPC campaigns and social media ads, ensure your website is a masterpiece, not a mess.

Shall we begin?

5 Different Aspects to Check Before Running Paid Advertising.

While you might feel the euphoria of introducing your website content to the world through paid advertising, check for the following factors to achieve a successful ad campaign.

Loading Speed

In today’s fast-paced world, impatience is the name of the game. Waiting for a website to load, mainly when we’re used to the lightning speed of Amazon Prime or one-hour deliveries, can feel like an eternity.

Imagine investing in a PPC campaign or paid social media ads to watch potential customers bounce off your site due to slow loading time. It’s like throwing your hard-earned cash down the drain.

Now, here’s the solution to speed up that loading time. Reduce HTTP requests, allow compression, and optimize images and CSS delivery.

Sounds like tech talk? Fear not!

If these sound like alien concepts, talk to your web designer or contact us at DottsMediaHouse. We’re here to ensure your website is the Usain Bolt of loading speeds. Your visitors will thank you, and so will your bottom line.


Regarding website design, functionality is your digital handshake—it should have been considered from the get-go and constantly fine-tuned for peak user experience.

Picture this–a visitor lands on your site, eager to explore, but if the journey is a maze or your site behaves like a rebellious teenager, they’ll vanish, likely to your competitor. Let’s streamline the things you should do:

  • Contact Options: Make it a breeze for them to reach out.
  • CTA Placement: Strategically position those call-to-action gems.
  • 3-Click Rule: Home to purchase/contact in three clicks or less.
  • FAQs on Site: Save time by answering questions upfront on your website.
  • Contact on Every Page: Ensure they can reach out anywhere.
  • Link Check: Watch out for broken links and dead ends.

Crafting a user-friendly pathway ensures they stay and choose you over the competition. Ready to turn curious clicks into conversions? Let’s upgrade that functionality!


In the rush of website design, many businesses, big and small, often miss this crucial step–the content. Your website’s success in engaging users and performing well on search engines hinges on quality content.

Consider the following:

  • Is your content original, compelling, and directly related to your product or service?
  • Will users find it helpful, enabling informed decisions, and is the tone right?

Whether visitors stumble upon your site or arrive intentionally, sales will only follow if your content ticks these boxes.

My advice? Team up with a pro content writer, especially for pages linked in your PPC campaign or social media ads.

Let them sprinkle their magic across your entire website for optimal impact.


In 2015, Google unleashed a game-changer: a mobile-friendly algorithm boost. It’s not just a tweak but a key player in Google’s search engine.

Your website’s mobile responsiveness isn’t just a cherry on top—it’s a groundbreaker for PPC success and SEO rankings.

Imagine losing potential customers just because your site doesn’t play nice with different screens, and that’s before diving into PPC.

With over 50% of Google searches happening on mobile, your target audience is likely peeking at your ad from their smartphones.

So grab your devices, check your site’s mobile dance, jot down quirks, and have a friendly chat with your web designer.


Elevate your online game by making Google Analytics your digital wingman—it’s free! This powerhouse tool goes beyond mere visibility; it transforms your website into a strategic marketing force. Any PPC whiz or savvy marketer will vouch for its indispensability.

Setting up AdWords, Facebook Ads, or Bing Ads without Google Analytics is like setting sail without a compass.

With GA,  you can dissect your traffic sources, track user behavior, and fine-tune your strategy based on real insights.

Need help? Your web designer can easily integrate this must-have tool. Navigate the digital seas confidently—let Google Analytics be your guiding star!

Sail Smoothly or Sink Slowly with Your Website

Before you embark on any paid advertising, ensure your ship is seaworthy. A well-optimized website is the wind in your advertising sails.

If done right, the rewards are immense. Otherwise, it’s like burning money on a cold winter night.

Feeling overwhelmed? No worries! If you need more clarification about your readiness for paid ads, contact the team at DottsMediaHouse. An audit might be the compass you need to set sail confidently into the digital sea.

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